Rio San Antonio

by | Jan 26, 2021 | Beaver Dam Analogs, Past Projects, Restoration Projects

Carson National Forest, NM


One of 10 BDAs installed in June 2020


Summer 2020: In-stream restoration structure installation

In June 2020, we installed 20 PALS (Post-Assisted Log Structures), 10 BDAs (Beaver Dam Analogs), and one rock structure to protect an eroding headcut. BDAs and PALS were constructed to increase channel complexity, provide habitat and stream shade, and facilitate sediment aggradation. BDAs additionally elevate the water table upstream of the structures, resulting in increased water storage capacity and increased riparian wetland area, and reduce shear-stress in high flows by allowing high flows to more readily access the historic flood plain and high flow channels, even during lower volume floods.

Fall 2020/Spring 2021: Elk exclosure construction and revegetation planting

Upstream of the structures installed in 2020 is a stretch of stream that has been denuded by cattle and elk browse. We protected approximately 4 acres of riparian area in this reach with two wildlife friendly elk exclosures and planted over 1,000 willow stems and 50 cottonwood poles within them.