“I don’t think we will need rubber boots, we can usually avoid stepping in the saturated areas at San Antonio Creek,” I told colleagues before heading out for...
Riverscape Restoration
San Antonio Creek BDA repairs
Beaver Dam Analogs, Past Projects, Restoration Projects, Riverscape Restoration
June 2021 The 2021 YCC crew’s season kicked off to a great start with Beaver Dam Analog (BDA) repair on San Antonio Creek in the Jemez Mountains. BDAs...
Santa Fe River
Past Projects, Restoration Projects, Riverscape Restoration
Santa Fe, NM Our 2021 and 2022 willow and cottonwood plantings along the Santa Fe River continue the work of a previous replanting effort in 2019 within this...
Canadian River: Alamita Canyon
Past Projects, Restoration Projects, Riverscape Restoration
Canadian River Canyon, NM, 2021 This planting of willow, cottonwood and Gooddings willow within the Canadian River Canyon follows years of previous...
San Antonio Creek
Beaver Dam Analogs, Past Projects, Restoration Projects, Riverscape Restoration
Santa Fe National Forest, NM In 2020, we expanded upon previous restoration efforts along San Antonio Creek in the Santa Fe National Forest between the...
Canadian River: Mills Canyon
Past Projects, Restoration Projects, Riverscape Restoration
Kiowa National Grassland, NM Phase 1, 2019 One of our biggest planting areas from 2019 below the iconic Shiprock formation. The cottonwood and willow are...