Santa Fe, NM Our 2021 and 2022 willow and cottonwood plantings along the Santa Fe River continue the work of a previous replanting effort in 2019 within this...
Past Projects
Canadian River: Alamita Canyon
Past Projects, Restoration Projects, Riverscape Restoration
Canadian River Canyon, NM, 2021 This planting of willow, cottonwood and Gooddings willow within the Canadian River Canyon follows years of previous...
Coyote Springs
Past Projects, Restoration Projects
Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM, 2020 - 2021 This 2020 - 2021 project encompasses the removal of non-native vegetation and revegetation with native...
Bosque del Apache
Past Projects, Restoration Projects
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio, NM, 2021 2021 removal of salt cedar and Russian olive from 362 acres of palustrine emergent...
Redondo Meadow
Past Projects, Restoration Projects
Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM Goals of this project include improving alluvial fan function and wet meadow/wetland health, mitigating fire impacts,...
Rio Chamita
Beaver Dam Analogs, Past Projects, Restoration Projects
2020 Construction of Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs) and Post Assisted Log Structures (PALS) along the Rio Chamita within the Sargent Wildlife Area.
Rio San Antonio
Beaver Dam Analogs, Past Projects, Restoration Projects
Carson National Forest, NM One of 10 BDAs installed in June 2020 Summer 2020: In-stream restoration structure installation BDAs and PALS were...
San Antonio Creek
Beaver Dam Analogs, Past Projects, Restoration Projects, Riverscape Restoration
Santa Fe National Forest, NM In 2020, we expanded upon previous restoration efforts along San Antonio Creek in the Santa Fe National Forest between the...
State Land Office: Rio Grande Bosque
Past Projects, Restoration Projects
Bernalillo County, NM This extraction of non-native trees is a continuation of previous years of restoration efforts along the west side of the Rio...
Huey Wildlife Management Area
Habitat Conservation Projects, Past Projects, Restoration Projects
Eddy County, NM This planting project included pole plantings of 17,500 Coyote willow, 125 cottonwood and 30 Gooddings willow within a moist soil unit as well...
Canadian River: Mills Canyon
Past Projects, Restoration Projects, Riverscape Restoration
Kiowa National Grassland, NM Phase 1, 2019 One of our biggest planting areas from 2019 below the iconic Shiprock formation. The cottonwood and willow are...
Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge Cooperative Agreement I
Habitat Conservation Projects, Past Projects, Restoration Projects
Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge Cooperative Agreement I 2020 Planting cottonwood poles with 60 volunteers from the Albuquerque Wildlife...